Since ancient times, semiprecious stones and other natural materials
have held deep symbolic meaning,
and many have been thought to possess healing and spiritual properties.

Crystals and gemstones have been worn as jewelry
for thousands of years specifically for these special energies.

Each piece of Space Mermaid jewelry
comes with a customized card describing the special properties
traditionally associated with these materials.

Agate... strength, courage, longevity, truth, love, healing, protection

Amazonite... success, money, luck, balance, calm, focus, clarity

Amber... luck, healing, love, strength, protection, beauty

Amethyst... healing, love, peace, protection, courage, happiness, spirituality, psychism, mental powers, tranquility, peaceful sleep, healing dreams

Aquamarine... courage, joy, peace, psychism, purification

Aventurine... luck, money, mental powers, eyesight, peace, healing; promotes physical, mental and emotional well-being; enhances creativity and originality; stress-relieving; soothing

Blue Calcite... healing

Blue Lace Agate... peace, calm, happiness

Blue Topaz... love, protection, healing, money

Brazilian Agate... strength, courage, success, truth, love, healing, protection

Carnelian... grounding energy, protection, courage, healing, peace, eloquence, self-confidence, sexual energy

Citrine... used for its warming, comforting, light and energizing qualities; believed to dissipate negative energy, raise self-esteem and attract abundance. Citrine has been used for protection, to prevent nightmares and to ensure a good night's sleep. Citrine has also been worn to facilitate psychic awareness.

Copper... energy direction, healing, luck, love, protection, money

Coral... healing, protection, peace, wisdom

Fluorite... mental powers; soothes anger and depression

Freshwater Pearl... love, money, protection, luck

Garnet... healing, strength, protection

Jade... love, healing, longevity, wisdom, protection, prosperity

Jasper... health, healing, beauty, grace, protection

Moonstone... love, divination, psychism, sleep, gardening, protection, youth, dieting

Mother of Pearl... protection, wealth

Onyx... protection, defense

Opal... psychism, astral projection, beauty, money, luck, power

Peridot... protection, health, wealth, sleep, tranquility

Pyrite... money, divination, luck

Quartz Crystal... protection, healing, psychism, power

Rhodonite... peace, anti-confusion

Rose Quartz... love, peace, happiness, fidelity, healing

Serpentine... protection

Silver... invocation, love, psychism, dreams, peace, protection, travel, money

Smoky Quartz... mood elevation, grounding; helps to overcome depression and other negative emotions

Tiger Eye... wealth, protection, courage, energy, luck, confidence, divination

Turquoise... protection, courage, money, love, friendship, healing, luck

Source: Scott Cunningham, Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic

All rights reserved © 2002-2004 Stephanie Carbone